Event calculus answer set programming
Erik T. Mueller
August 9, 2014
Event calculus reasoning can be performed using answer set programming
tools developed at the University of Potsdam
(Gebser, Kaminski, Kaufmann, & Schaub, 2013),
based on a reformulation of the event calculus in
answer set programming (Lee & Palla, 2012; Kim, Lee, & Palla, 2009)
and the DEC axioms (Mueller, 2004, 2015) for the
event calculus (Miller & Shanahan, 2002; Shanahan, 1997;
Kowalski & Sergot, 1986).
(These instructions have been tested on
clingo version 4.2.1.)
Download and compile
(This converts the output of clingo into the more
readable Discrete Event Calculus Reasoner format.)
Download the discrete event calculus (DEC) axioms:
Download one or more domain descriptions:
Run a domain description:
- clingo -c maxtime=1 -n 0 dec.lp rundrive.lp | format-output 1
- clingo -c maxtime=4 -n 0 dec.lp book.lp | format-output 4
- clingo -c maxtime=2 -n 0 dec.lp cc.lp circuit.lp | format-output 2
Related Resources
2013 (Ma, Miller, Morgenstern, and Patkos):
EFEC - epistemic functional event calculus
2009 (Lee and Palla): F2LP -
first-order language converter for answer set programming
2008 (Kim, Lee, and Palla): ECASP - prototype tool for event calculus reasoning using answer set programming
2005 (Mueller): ECAS - older version of
this page
2005 (Mueller): Discrete
Event Calculus Reasoner - SAT-based event calculus reasoner
Gebser, Martin,
Kaminski, Roland,
Kaufmann, Benjamin,
& Schaub, Torsten
Answer set solving in practice.
San Rafael, CA: Morgan & Claypool.
Kim, Tae-Won,
Lee, Joohyung,
& Palla, Ravi
Circumscriptive event calculus as answer set programming.
In Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (IJCAI 2009) (pp. 823-829).
Kowalski, Robert A., & Sergot, Marek J. (1986).
A logic-based calculus of events.
New Generation Computing, 4(1), 67-95.
Lee, Joohyung, & Palla, Ravi (2012).
Reformulating the situation calculus and the event calculus in the
general theory of stable models and in answer set programming.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research,
43, 571-620.
Miller, Rob & Shanahan, Murray (2002).
Some alternative formulations of the event calculus.
In Antonis C. Kakas and Fariba Sadri (Eds.),
Computational Logic: Logic Programming and Beyond: Essays in Honour of Robert A. Kowalski, Part II
(pp. 452-490).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 2408.
Berlin: Springer.
Mueller, Erik T. (2004).
Event calculus reasoning through satisfiability.
Journal of Logic and Computation,
14(5), 703-730.
Mueller, Erik T. (2015).
Reasoning: An Event Calculus Based Approach (2nd Ed.).
Waltham, MA: Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier.
Shanahan, Murray (1997). Solving the Frame Problem.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.